Sigma and Phencyclidine-like Compounds as Molecular Probes in Biology

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Editor(s): Edward F. Domino, Jean-Marc Kamenka
Format: Hard cover
ISBN-13: 9780916182052
Pages: 583
Publication date: 1988-07-01
Price: $99.99

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Editor(s): Edward F. Domino, Jean-Marc Kamenka
Format: Hard cover
ISBN-13: 9780916182045
Pages: 690
Publication date: 1988-07-01
Price: $99.99

This book presents the Proceedings of the French-US seminar held in La Grande Motte (France) September 20-24, 1982 under the patronage of the Société Française de Chimie Thérapeutique. The seminar was attended by scientists concerned with the chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, therapeutic applications and drug abuse aspects of arylcyclohexylamines. Their presentations and subsequent discussions constitute the substance of this book. We thank them for their significant contributions which have advanced our knowledge of this intriguing class of biologically active compounds.

The seminar was sponsored by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (C.N.R.S), the National Science Foundation (N.S.F.), and the Direction de Recherches et Etudes Techniques (D.R.E.T.). In addition, the pharmaceutical companies Beecham/Sobio, Expansia, Merrell Dow, Merck, Sharp and Dohme, Pfizer, Rhône-Poulenc, Sanofi, Sobio and Upjohn contributed to the success of the seminar. Special thanks are due to Burroughs Wellcome, DuPont, Merrell Dow, Pfizer, A.H. Robins, Stuart Pharmaceuticals, and the Upjohn Company for providing additional support for assisting in the editing and publication of this book. The Editors would like to acknowledge Mrs. Ellen Howard for typing the majority of the manuscripts.
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