Multiple Sigma and PCP Receptor Ligands: Mechanisms for Neuromodulation and Neuroprotection?

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Editor(s): Jean-Marc Kamenka, Edward F. Domino
Format: Hard cover
ISBN-13: 9780916182090
Pages: 971
Publication date: 1992-07-01
Price: $99.99

The chapters in this book represent most of the presentations, both oral as well as poster, at the Third French-U.S. Seminar held in La Grande Motte (Montpellier), France, September 15-19, 1991. About 129 international scientists from many countries, especially France and the United States, attended this Seminar. A total of 97 oral and poster presentations covering various aspects of this Seminar were presented. In addition, this book contains several chapters from individuals who could not attend the Seminar but whose research is directly pertinent.

The research reported herein provides strong evidence that sigma as well as PCP receptor ligands have important neuromodulatory and neuroprotective actions. The Seminar sessions were organized according to Chemistry and Molecular Modeling, Molecular Biology/Multiple PCP and Sigma Receptors, Pharmacology/ Physiology of Sigma and PCP Ligands, Behavioral and Neuroprotective Aspects, and New Directions. The editors have chosen to organize the chapters following the same format used during the Seminar.

Two important Round Tables were held on Anticonvulsant Actions of PCP and Receptor Ligands and Neuroprotection with PCP and Receptor Ligands. Throughout these sessions an interaction between sigma and PCP receptor ligands was always discussed.

The Editors would like to thank the many individuals who helped to organize the Seminar and/or this book.

The organizers of the Seminar asked Dr. Remi Quirion to chair a Committee on Terminology. Dr. Quirion agreed to do this as he did at the Second French-U.S. Seminar in an attempt to clarify the terminology of the multiple sigma ligands. The Committee's report is enclosed in this volume as the last chapter.
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