Brain Imaging of Nicotine and Tobacco Smoking

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Editor(s): Edward F. Domino
Format: Hard cover
ISBN-13: 9780916182106
Pages: 340
Publication date: 1995-07-01
Price: $99.99

This book documents the effects of nicotine and tobacco smoking on the human brain using a variety of imaging techniques. Very sophisticated technological instrumentation has been used by the authors of various chapters to provide the reader with a visual picture of the remarkable brain effects of nicotine and tobacco smoking. The numerous colored illustrations throughout this book are an attempt to capture even the slightest nuances in the unique effects of tobacco smoking and its major active ingredient, nicotine, on the brain.

The book has been divided into five sections: Section I-Brain Distribution of Nicotinic Receptors. Section Il-Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. Section Ill-Topographic EEG and Evoked Potentials. Section IV-Nicotinic Agonists as Potential Therapeutic Agents. Section V-Key Words Index.

Every reasonable attempt was made by each author to present an accurate description of the data in a scientific manner so that the reader can judge how nicotine and tobacco smoking affect brain function. The editor encouraged each author to be as factual as possible on the results presented. Hopefully, that goal has been achieved.
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